Privacy policy

Privacy Policies
The Privacy Policies of Files Dj establish the terms in which uses and protects the information that is provided by its users when using its website. We are committed to the security of user data. When we ask you to fill in the fields of personal information with which you can be identified, we do so ensuring that it will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document.

How is the data obtained?
There are different means:

Contact form
Subscription form
Comments on posts
Sales form
Sending emails
What information is collected.
Our website may collect personal information, for example: Name, contact information such as your email address and demographic information. Likewise, when necessary, specific information may be required to process an order or make a delivery or billing.

Cookies Policy
See our cookies policies.

Use of information
Our website uses the information in order to provide the best possible service, improve its usability, to keep a record of users, orders (if applicable) and improve our products and services. Emails may be sent through our site with notifications and offers that we consider relevant to you, these emails will be sent to the address you provide and may be canceled at any time.

We are committed to fulfilling the commitment to keep your information safe and confidential under the Files Dj Privacy Policies

What are your rights?
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether we are processing their personal data.

Interested persons have the right to:

Request access to personal data relating to the interested party.
Request its rectification or deletion.
Request the limitation of its treatment.
Oppose the treatment.
Request the portability of the data.
How long will your data be kept?
The personal data provided will be kept:

As long as the relationship is maintained.
Until the interested party requests their deletion.
In the case of cookies, according to the duration of their validity or their definition of deleting them.
Acceptance and consent

The user declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing of the same in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.

The legal basis for the processing of your data is consent, for which we require your consent to these privacy policies. Additionally, the contracting of products and/or services is based on the terms and conditions contained in the legal notice.

Responsible for data processing.
Identity of the Responsible: MP Business
Business Name:
Address: Street 090150, Miami, Estados Unidos.
Email: [email protected]
Links to Third Parties
This website may contain links to other sites that may be of interest to you. Once you click on these links and leave our page, we no longer have control over the site to which you are redirected and therefore we are not responsible for the terms or privacy or the protection of your data on those other third-party sites. These sites are subject to their own privacy policies, so it is recommended that you consult them to confirm that you agree with them.

Google Ads
Vendors, including Google, use cookies to show relevant ads based on a user's previous visits to the website.
The use of advertising cookies allows Google and its partners to show ads based on visits made by users to their websites or other websites on the Internet.
Users can disable personalized advertising. To do so, they must access Ad Preferences. If you do not want other providers to use cookies for personalized advertising, you must access
If you have not opted out of third-party ad serving, cookies from other vendors or ad networks may also be used to serve ads:

Ads from other vendors and ad networks are displayed on this website.
Links to the websites of the vendors and ad networks concerned.
You can visit those websites to opt out of the use of cookies for personalized advertising (if the vendor or ad network offers this option). You can also go to to opt out of the use of cookies for personalized advertising by other vendors.
In addition to Files Dj's Privacy Policies, you can also see:

Cookie Policies.